DegenBrains NFTs
DegenBrains NFTs will be released in two phases:
Total Supply: 10,000
Team Allotment:
Marketing / Giveaway Wallet: 190 (1.9%)
Founders: 30 (0.3%)
VIPs and Team Rewards: 80 (0.8%)
Phase 1: Whitelist
When: July 25th - 7pm UTC (Lasts 23 hours)
Price: $50 USD - Minted in CRO equivalent
Maximum of 10 Mints per Transaction
Maximum of 300 Mints per Wallet
Phase 2: Public
When: July 26th - 7pm UTC
Price: $60 USD - Minted in CRO equivalent
Maximum of 10 Mints per Transaction
Maximum of 300 Mints per Wallet
Last updated