💵Earning $DBF
Hold $DBF, Earn $DBF
As described above — 50% of the taxes collected will be shared with $DBF holders. You do not need to stake your $DBF to receive these rewards
Simply hold them in your favorite wallet and let the $DBF stack up on its own.
No Single Stake or locking is required.
Single Staking — 30, 90, & 180 Day Lock
For those that want to earn more $DBF faster, we will provide a locked, Single Stake option. Locking your $DBF will allow you to earn more $DBF than you would from simply holding it in your wallet.
Similar to the NFT staking numbers above, we will allocate up to 416,666.67 $DBF tokens each month for the staking rewards to provide a steady APR. The longer you lock your $DBF, the higher the reward.
The DBF team may change the allocation (up or down) to adjust the APR offered.
Last updated