👾DBF Discord

The DBF Discord has been set up in a way that any trader or investor can spend more time within the community while still following the crazy crypto markets without having to open another tab or leave

Overview of Bots used in the DBF Discord:

The DBF Discord is making use of a multitude of price ticker bots, the Hodl bot, and our own DegenBrainBot. All of this additional bot power enhances our Discord and turns it into a Crypto Powerhouse, on this page we will explain each bot and its functions more in-depth.

Degen Tickers:

Our price tickers show up as a group in our member's list on the Discord and can thus be viewed with ease at any given moment, any tracker which displays a Token listed on CoinGecko has the additional color-changing function which automatically adjusts the tickers color from red/green depending on current movements of the tracked asset.


This is our main bot for everything from moderation, levels, automated roles, and initial Discord verification, we use DegenBrainBot for nearly everything.


The HODL Bot is being used to allow our community to further deep dive into their favorite crypto assets across all chains, you can either use it for price alerts, charts, pair movements, or quick prices for the current moment in time for any on Coin Gecko listed token, eth gas prices, and much more. (Please look at the detailed HODL Bot commands list below.)

NFT Whitelist Manager:

The Whitelist on our Discord Server is currently set up so that it only works if a user has the Crofam role, our staff members can manually assign this particular role.

The below illustration is just an example of how a user can submit his wallet to our WL once he has received the corresponding role.

Guild.XYZ Bot:


How can I get my roles while on a Discord server?

All you need to do is go to our #dgnb-verify channel, there you click on the "Verify as DegenBrain Hodler" Button, wait a few seconds after pressing "Verify as DegenBrain Hodler" and a link to Join will appear, simply follow the steps going forward.

How do I know if I’ve already got my roles on Discord?

Once you join our community, your roles will appear under your name. You can check them by clicking on your name while on the server.

Why do I get the "You do not have access to any guilds on this server." message from the bot when I know I fulfil the requirements?

There are different scenarios that can cause this message to pop up:

  1. You’re connected, but not with the correct address. Maybe you meet the requirements - you have the specific tokens, you are on the allowlist, etc. - but you have multiple addresses, and right now you use the one that can’t get you in. In this case, double-check your connected wallet and linked addresses.

Here is an overview of the NFT gated roles on our Guild Page:

Wallet Management & Safety

Is connecting my wallet using the guild.xyz safe?

Absolutely! When you sign in with guild.xyz, you only are validating ownership of the wallet address. The Guild.xyz bot does not get any permission to perform transactions and does not have any way of withdrawing anything from your wallet.

Why do I need to sign a message in addition to connecting my wallet?

Signing is the only way we can truly know that you are the owner of the wallet you are connecting. Signing is a safe, gas-less transaction that does not in any way give Guild.xyz permission to perform any transactions with your wallet.

Last updated